Week of October 29 through November 4, 2023.

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Alex for Halloween in Joseph's armor.
#1  Alex for Halloween in Joseph's armor.
Alex for Halloween in Joseph's armor.
#2  Alex for Halloween in Joseph's armor.
Alex for Halloween in Joseph's armor.
#3  Alex for Halloween in Joseph's armor.
more daffodils
#4  more daffodils
goats on the back porch. Hummmm...
#5  goats on the back porch. Hummmm...
goats... Got to block this off. 5oooo much poop.
#6  goats... Got to block this off. 5oooo much poop.
#7  Goats
#8  Goats
Goats sheltering in the rain
#9  Goats sheltering in the rain
Sheep escape path.
#10  Sheep escape path.
dead chicken
#11  dead chicken
Cause of the dead chicken. Bob. Cat. Bobcat.
#12  Cause of the dead chicken. Bob. Cat. Bobcat.
Princess Lois bought the hat for the reunion.
#13  Princess Lois bought the hat for the reunion.
Will anyone in the red team want to wear it?
#14  Will anyone in the red team want to wear it?
Lois shows off her new cold-weather vest that she got at Goodwill.
#15  Lois shows off her new cold-weather vest that she got at Goodwill.
B2 Chess board table that we got at Goodwill.
#16  B2 Chess board table that we got at Goodwill.
B2 Chess board table. Lois thinks it looks really fine.
#17  B2 Chess board table. Lois thinks it looks really fine.
Traffic was so bad that the big rigs all pulled off the road. There were several accidents including a fatality near our house.
#18  Traffic was so bad that the big rigs all pulled off the road. There were several accidents including a fatality near our house.
Lois mowed and moved branches and logs around in the picnic area and didn't even get stuck driving over logs.
#19  Lois mowed and moved branches and logs around in the picnic area and didn't even get stuck driving over logs.
Fall leaves
#20  Fall leaves

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20 items. This page was last updated 2023-11-04 21:26:56 PDT.