Week of April 9 through April 15, 2023.
◱ hail, snow, rain at the same time.
◱ hawk on the top beam.
◱ The neighbors being neigh-borly
◱ Hey, I am the one in charge here.
◱ Lois moved pots that she had started last fall.
◱ Pot planted last fall.
◱ Pot planted last fall.
◱ Flowers in The Waffle
◱ Joseph which cutting is now in bloom?
◱ pots of daffodils
◱ tulips
◱ pretty tulips
◱ we grow beauty and love
◱ daffodils in bloom
◱ Hosui Asian pear blooms
◱ the tulips are getting better
◱ This is what I have Aztec one day after he gave me a scare. Joseph helped us by buying some syringes.
◱ Don administered the drug via syringe.
◱ Don got most of it in.
◱ Joseph looking at our dead hive. Yep, it's dead
◱ See in here.. No honey.
◱ Dead bees. I can't tell if there is a queen in here.
◱ closer view of dead bees. Yep, figure out why.
◱ this is odd.
◱ hum....
◱ Maybe the queen moved into the top one.
◱ melted wax.
◱ comb before melting.
◱ pretty fun looking comb.
◱ it's darker where they laid brood.
◱ fun folds in the wax.
◱ melted wax.
◱ Joseph processing wax.
◱ making the bee stew.
◱ yum
◱ melted and strained
◱ empty
◱ Hardened and cooled wax.
◱ Don transferred dirt to the firepit flower garden area.
◱ Don moved about five loads or so.
◱ Don hauling branches we cut off the tree.
◱ Don resting after cutting and hauling branches.
◱ Don pruning bushes.
◱ This tree in the middle was cut down while we worked
◱ Don pruning a rose bush.
◱ The after pictures without tree branches in the way.
◱ the before picture of the fire pit flowers and grass that aren't planted yet.
◱ this is how far the bushes got pruned.
◱ Dump truck spreading gravel.
◱ Firepit area after mowing.
◱ dump truck ready to pour
◱ SCA Pleasant Hill
◱ SCA Pleasant Hill
◱ SCA Pleasant Hill Baron and Baroness thrones.
◱ SCA Pleasant Hill the welcome lady, Dame Johanna.
◱ SCA Pleasant Hill Duke James, and two companions.
◱ SCA Pleasant Hill, Baron and Baroness.
◱ SCA Pleasant Hill: Don and Lois.
◱ SCA Pleasant Hill, the archery range in the distance.
◱ SCA Pleasant Hill: Don with welcome cookie.
◱ SCA Pleasant Hill, fighting
◱ SCA Pleasant Hill, ready to fight
◱ SCA Pleasant Hill, Duke James with all his armor on and ready to fight. He is wearing a totally amazing chest shield on underneath.
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63 items. This page was last updated 2023-04-16 14:02:19 PDT.