Week of May 8 through May 14, 2022.
◱ Our team is working to memorize the 5th article of faith.
◱ The chickens roost kind of fell.
◱ Snake in the grass. I had just taken a handful of weeds off the top of him.
◱ Alex is mowing and practicing his driving.
◱ It needs mowing about twice a week so there is plenty of opportunity.
◱ Lupine is up.
◱ Made it weeding to the lilacs.
◱ Alex is having a bowl of ice cream.
◱ Canada in bloom by the elm tree.
◱ Red and white tulips are still looking good.
◱ Purple tulip.
◱ First daylily.
◱ Don on Betsie mowing Rosewold Lane. I think he needs a bailer.
◱ The grape leaves are finally leafing out.
◱ Sugar snap peas are starting to bloom.
◱ Extase Dahlia - One of the dahlias that I planted between the two gates and near the Welcome to Rosewold sign.
◱ Labyrinth Dahlia - One of the dahlias that I planted between the two gates and near the Welcome to Rosewold sign.
◱ Colorful Investment Dahlia - One of the dahlias that I planted between the two gates and near the Welcome to Rosewold sign.
◱ New stakes to help hold up the dahlias when they grow.
◱ Don gave me flower from my garden and put it on the table for me to enjoy.
◱ Poor chicken got attacked.
◱ She will probably lose more feathers.
◱ That sure looks like a look of feathers already though.
◱ Feathers feathers everywhere.
◱ Joseph and Camille gave me a miniature rose bush for mother's day.
◱ The labels look fine.
◱ The East fence is looking better and better.
◱ The rain washed off the markers... On to plan B.
◱ The area between the gates is looking better and better.
◱ Lois bought six more roses bushes on clearance.
◱ Lois bought a selection of vegetable plants.
◱ Parsley
◱ This was supposed to be a banana pepper, but somehow it morphed into another kind when being planted.
◱ Dark Green Zucchini
◱ Willamette Tomato
◱ Early Girl Tomato.
◱ One Fantastic Slicer Tomato
◱ Thai Basil
◱ Lois wonders if the tomatoes from the Guest House need planting yet.
◱ Lois was afraid she'd trip on one vine as she came down the stairs.
◱ Lois planted the Pineapple Tomatoes in the ground and laid the vines sideways.
◱ This is what they look like after buying more of them.
◱ Sungold Cherry Tomato planted the same way.
◱ Potato bags came out of the garage.
◱ Eggplant
◱ Okra
◱ Sweet pumpkins
◱ Yard long asparagus beans
◱ Lois couldn't remember where she planted the basil, so she out all the little cutting starts around the asparagus.
◱ Two kinds of yams or sweet potatoes were planted in two green bags.
◱ The peas are getting bigger and starting to bloom.
◱ Yams, russets, purple, gold potatoes
◱ Gold, purple, russet potatoes, and yams
◱ Yellow iris by Guest House.
◱ Lois thinks putting tulips in pots turned out really smart and beautiful.
◱ The plums are starting to grow, and I saw cherries on three trees. I hope we can enjoy them before the birds get to them.
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57 items. This page was last updated 2022-05-14 22:33:40 PDT.