Week of November 15 to November 21, 2020.
◱ Cute little crimson clover seedlings are emerging.
◱ Frost on the grass one morning.
◱ Lois mows mostly to move the dried leaves.
◱ "Pee" plant? Lois drilled a hole to drain the accumulated water still visible on top.
◱ Mice in the greenhouse are entertaining the neighbor's cats and us.
◱ A wooly bear has moved into the Chickery.
◱ Brownie and Sally Forth are our two remaining ducks. Sally likes to escape, so I finally just opened the little hatch for them again. I would be happy if they both lived, but Brownie can't get out well so now they can be together more.
◱ We are getting more hummingbirds.
◱ The Anna hummingbirds are so fun to watch.
◱ They go through the sugar water pretty fast.
◱ We love this mounting kind, but you have to put on larger suction cups.
◱ Joseph takes off the insulating layer, while Lois is holding a pot of sugar water to feed the bees.
◱ The tray had started growing mold. Mold and bees are not good together.
◱ Look at all those hungry bees.
◱ Here is a new feeder to replace the one with mold.
◱ Joseph is getting ready to take the lid off the hive.
◱ After renovating and refilling the hive.
◱ We need to wait for the bees to come out before we can wash the tray.
◱ Lois with our holiday food stockpile.
◱ Don wanted more fur-lined footwear for winter and found these lovelies for $14 each online. He ordered all three colors that were available in his size.
◱ Here Don sports the Chestnut colored footwear. Enjoy some festive Christmas lighting in the background.
◱ Here Don sports the Gray colored footwear. The tummy makes a nice shelf for a plate with a sandwich.
◱ What the Chickery outlets will look like.
◱ Three Chickery pull-chain light receptacles.
◱ Our 15A Romex had four wires; Don decided to remove the red wire.
◱ Pre-fabricated wiring hanging out to dry.
◱ Saving the red wire for later use.
◱ Three outlets ready to be hung.
◱ Sherpa on duty.
◱ First outlet.
◱ First outlet.
◱ Temporary wiring supports.
◱ Third outlet.
◱ Okay, now three light boxes.
◱ Octagon box.
◱ A 100-foot extension cord from the Guest House to the Chickery.
◱ Inside the Chickery, there is a plug that, as needed, connects the Chickery wiring with the Guest House extension cord.
◱ The circuit tester was very helpful at telling when things were not connected properly.
◱ Don stands on a stool and tries to put a wiring nut on four white 15A wires.
◱ Two of the three lights are on. There is another one, half way between, that had not been installed yet.
◱ The empty water buckets are waiting in the Chickery.
◱ Water bucket hose line test holes.
◱ Don drills a one-inch hole.
◱ Don widens a one-inch hole slightly.
◱ The hose fits through the hole.
◱ Four way splitter.
◱ Four way splitter.
◱ Water fills a bucket.
◱ Snakes? No, just hoses.
◱ The finished Chickery.
◱ Lois installs another WCO outdoor camera. Drilling phase.
◱ Lois installs another WCO outdoor camera. Screwing phase.
◱ Lois installs another WCO outdoor camera. Mounting phase.
◱ Brackets for our next big project: a Grape Arbor.
◱ Ladybug vacuuming. Duct tape was involved.
◱ Ladybug vacuuming. The ceiling is 20ft high.
◱ Ladybug vacuuming.
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57 items. This page was last updated 2020-11-21 21:41:10 PST.