Week of December 15 through December 21
◱ Lois on the exercise machine. How many weights did you put on here Don?
◱ Out of the 200s! Yay!
◱ Chaffel (cheese waffle) with avocado. And asiago dip in top. Lois suffers so with her extreme diet. :-)
◱ Don and Lois at Cafe Yumm celebrating getting boxes mailed. Lol
◱ Broody and her chicks. They are four months old and almost as big as her.
◱ Lois hangs her traditional Christmas Celebration artwork.
◱ EJean made lovely hand towels.
◱ EJean laying out the pieces to the lovely hand towels.
◱ EJean showing her lovely hand towels.
◱ EJean made 36 lovely hand towels.
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