Week of July 21 through July 27
◱ Egg #3
◱ Egg #3 on the right, two store-bought eggs on the left.
◱ Egg #4
◱ Eggs 4, 5, 6
◱ Eggs 4, 5, 6
◱ Eggs 4, 5, 6 number #6, Lady Gaga is on the left. Perhaps all are hers.
◱ Gaga laying Egg #7
◱ Chicken Attack?
◱ Chicken Attack?
◱ Ducks enjoy the sprinkler.
◱ Bunk bed in LoCon.
◱ Bunk bed heading to the garage.
◱ Bunk bed heading to the garage.
◱ New Pantry.
◱ New Pantry; Don rests.
◱ New Pantry; Don rests.
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16 items. This page was last updated 2019-07-28 07:54:35 PDT.