Week of December 30 2018 through January 5 2019
◱ Larissa is unable to decide which university can claim her allegiance.
◱ Lois found this lovely Pokemon in Stacia's living room.
◱ How Do You Spell Therapy?
◱ Girls Night Out, Painting Edition
◱ Lois, Ocean Beach
◱ Lois, Ocean Beach
◱ Lois, Ocean Beach
◱ Stacia, Florida Beach
◱ Stacia, Florida Beach
◱ Stacia, Florida Beach
◱ Stacia, Florida Beach
◱ Larissa
◱ Larissa
◱ Cassi after her baptism. We also have her a picture to remember Jesus, and a Cassiopeia necklace.
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22 items. This page was last updated 2019-01-06 21:54:32 MST.