2017-04-23 Week of Pictures
◱ Start of week: no plumbing. For end of week pictures, see the end of this page.
◱ Joseph and Lois going out to check the health of the new bees.
◱ There is a queen inside. The bees eat the sugar from the outside and she eats the gummy bear from the inside or something.
◱ Joseph needs to see if the bees are making honey comb. If they don't then the whole hive will die.
◱ Lots of bees on the forms.
◱ Joseph pulling it out to check.
◱ Yep, they are doing it so that is good.
◱ Putting it back together. Next step is to verify that the queen got out and is laying brood. That will be in a few days.
◱ Joseph moved one taro plant into the taro bed. Now we will see if it freezes or not.
◱ Joseph mowing the south orchard/blueberry section.
◱ The plumbers are installing pex.
◱ It is interesting to see the plumbing below the floor.
◱ Room5 Master Bath and Laundry hall.
◱ It is interesting to see the plumbing below the floor.
◱ Room5 Master Suite and Room4 Caregiver Room.
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16 items. This page was last updated 2017-08-07 17:28:10 MDT.