2017-03-05 Week's pictures
◱ Edutainment room for children
◱ Edutainment room for children
◱ Returning books at the library
◱ Feeding the scanner
◱ First Daffodil of 2017, in the waffle.
◱ First Daffodil totally in bloom of 2017, in the waffle.
◱ daffodils and crocuses
◱ crocuses
◱ Joseph starting the sheep fence.
◱ Joseph starting the sheep fence.
◱ Fence posts for the fence.
◱ About half of the fence is up.
◱ First buds on the trees... and the winner is the Almond Tree.
◱ The Sheep.
◱ The Sheep.
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15 items. This page was last updated 2017-03-13 00:05:21 MDT.