2017-02-13 A New Road Begins at Rosewold with Gravel
◱ Misty morning. Dirt road.
◱ Gravel truck dumping 1 1/2 inch open quarry rock on the dirt road.
◱ Don confers with the driver. The soil was a bit muddy and the driver is not happy thinking about making another pass.
◱ Second load goes to continue and complete the loop rather than widen it.
◱ The rock is a pretty good sized rock.
◱ The wide section is the second load. We did three passes. The narrow section is the first load. We did one pass.
◱ Closeup of the boundary between the second load and the first load.
◱ 250 carat rock to celebrate Valentine's Day.
◱ View from the west landing of the guest house.
◱ Before and after.
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