2017-01-04 Snow Day
◱ West side of greenhouse.
◱ East and South side of Greenhouse.
◱ Snow scenes on the cameras.
◱ Christmas Painting on the container.
◱ Snow on top of handrail post.
◱ Snow on top of van.
◱ Snow on top of bench.
◱ Snow on Elderberry Fairy Tree. Tree of Life.
◱ Snow on top of branches.
◱ Snowy Rosewold lane.
◱ Snowy neighbor's pond
◱ snow on garbage can that didn't get emptied.
◱ Posts along HWY 58.
◱ Not many cars right now on HWY 58
◱ Not many cars right now on HWY 58
◱ spot that is trying to thaw.
◱ Neighbor's House.
◱ Snow on Branches
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22 items. This page was last updated 2017-01-04 22:25:13 MST.