Sep 15 2015
◱ northwest corner and front entry
◱ north side
◱ red shed
◱ the island
◱ north side
◱ northwest corner
◱ west entrance
◱ west side of the old house
◱ southwest corner of the old house
◱ gap where the popout should meet the house but does not yet
◱ south face of the house
◱ south face of the house, east half
◱ southeast corner of the old house
◱ east face of the old house, hvac is raised
◱ east face of the new addition, front entry
◱ underneath the equipment room
◱ underneath the equipment room. notice the sheathing.
◱ underneath the equipment room.
◱ looking north on the balcony
◱ looking south on the balcony
◱ looking north toward the balcony from the old house room
◱ looking north toward the balcony from the old house roof
◱ south face of the addition and the cricket
◱ looking east at the roof of the popout with tarp in place.
◱ looking east at the roof of the popout, with tarp removed.
◱ looking west at the roof of the popout with tarp removed
◱ Flashing on the roof of the pop out.
◱ Flashing on the roof of the pop out.
◱ east face of the addition, from the roof of the old house
◱ east face of the addition, from the roof of the old house
◱ view of the picnic area from the roof of the old house looking south
◱ view of the fairy tree and herb garden from the roof of the old house, looking west
◱ view of the red shed from the roof of the old house, looking northwest
◱ Lois Loft has been colonized
◱ roses along the north foundation of the addition
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35 items. This page was last updated 2018-08-06 16:23:09 MDT.