Feb 28 2015
◱ Mikey, Shannon, and Latia putting on gloves.
◱ NW Natural work in progress.
◱ NW Natural work in progress.
◱ NW Natural work in progress.
◱ Daffodils?
◱ Daffodils
◱ Azelia
◱ Lavender.
◱ Area flattened. By EPUD? Maple tree starts are missing.
◱ Oregon grape.
◱ Roses.
◱ Roses.
◱ HVAC lines.
◱ HVAC lines.
◱ HVAC lines.
◱ HVAC lines in workroom.
◱ HVAC lines in Don's room.
◱ Electrical outlets, lights, etc removed for drywall?
◱ HVAC lines in Lois's loft.
◱ HVAC lines in Lois's loft.
◱ HVAC lines in Lois's loft.
◱ HVAC lines in Lois's loft.
◱ HVAC lines in Lois's loft.
◱ Shower curtain on the floor.
◱ Picnic area.
◱ Plastic covering the end of the roof.
◱ Rain gutters.
◱ Rain gutters.
◱ View from Lois's balcony.
◱ View from Lois's balcony.
◱ View from Lois's balcony.
◱ View from Lois's balcony.
◱ Ceiling is damp and full feeling.
◱ Isaac's resting place.
◱ Temperatures in and out.
◱ Garden after knocking everything down.
◱ Garden after knocking everything down.
◱ Asparagus branches.
◱ Red currants.
◱ Rose bush.
◱ Italian plum tree.
◱ Asian pear tree.
◱ Pile of compost weeds.
◱ Blueberry area after cutting a few blackberries. Joseph's shadow.
◱ Pear tree and blackberry bushes.
◱ Fruit trees and clearing blackberry vines.
◱ Mikey and Shannon.
◱ Kids and Pono the dog. Some push mowed grass.
◱ Push mowed grass.
◱ Kekoa, Latia, and Pono the dog.
◱ Latia, Shannon, Kekoa, and Mikey. Getting ready to spread flower seeds.
◱ Latia, Kekoa, Pono, and Shannon.
◱ Latia.
◱ Latia and Kekoa.
◱ Shannon.
◱ Mikey.
◱ Latia.
◱ Latia, Shannon, and Mikey.
◱ Pono running.
◱ Peach tree with some buds.
◱ Shannon and Mikey taking care of hoses.
◱ Kekoa holding empty flower boxes.
◱ Latia bringing a hose.
◱ Shannon and Latia winding a hose.
◱ Shannon and Latia winding hoses.
◱ The chainsaw now has the chain re-attached.
◱ Latia putting the hose away.
◱ Filling the air in the tire.
◱ Trying to jump start Goliath the backhoe with the van.
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