Nov 22 2014
◱ Kili with a weed he picked.
◱ Akiko weeding.
◱ Akiko weeding.
◱ Maple trees from Rosewold lane.
◱ Wood chips along the north side of the addition where the roses are planted.
◱ Joseph planting some new rose cuttings.
◱ Joseph putting a rose cutting deep into the ground.
◱ Kili holding a small rose cutting.
◱ Joseph and Kili working in the north rose garden.
◱ Joseph and Kili.
◱ Joseph and Kili.
◱ Joseph and Kili.
◱ Rose cuttings, both old and new.
◱ Joseph and Kili working in the rose garden. Their backs are wet because it is raining.
◱ Joseph looking tired.
◱ Kili and Joseph.
◱ Kili taking a bucket back.
◱ Kili holding a bucket.
◱ The north rose garden.
◱ The north rose garden.
◱ The north rose garden.
◱ Kili in front of the red shed.
◱ Planted maple tree.
◱ Planted maple tree.
◱ Planted maple tree.
◱ Planted maple trees along the southern fence line.
◱ Maples along the southern fence line.
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27 items. This page was last updated 2018-08-06 16:10:32 MDT.