11 May 2013, Garden Progress
◱ Black bell pepper in the clubhouse garden.
◱ Banana pepper in the clubhouse garden.
◱ Going out to the Vegetable garden / farm to see the farmers. Looking over the parking lot filled with tree branches. Joseph. Shannon. Abby.
◱ Getting closer to the vegetable garden / farm. It takes a while. Joseph. Shannon. Abby.
◱ Getting closer to the farm. Joseph. Shannon. Abby.
◱ Ah, I'm almost to the farm that is being planted. Joseph. Shannon. Abby.
◱ What are you planting Shannon? Farm.
◱ Joseph watering planted vegetables. Farm.
◱ Rows of cantaloupe. Farm.
◱ From right to left. Two rows of garlic, unplanted still then two rows of cantaloupe. Farm.
◱ Another kind of cantaloupe. Farm.
◱ Buttercup Squash. Farm.
◱ Small Sugar Pumpkin. Farm.
◱ Carolina Cross Watermelon. Farm.
◱ Table Queen Acorn Squash. Farm.
◱ Spookie Pumpkin. Farm.
◱ Crenshaw cantaloupe. Farm.
◱ Shannon watering. Abby. Joseph. Farm.
◱ Are the grapes alive? Joseph thinks this transplant has greenery sprouting up through the ground. Vineyard.
◱ Abby Watering. Shannon watching. Farm.
◱ Oh, this feels so good. Shannon. Abby. Farm.
◱ Abby watering Shannon. Will this help her grow? Farm.
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