29 Aug 2012
◱ Yellow Jackets hiding in the old well house.
◱ a little sweeping on the roof.
◱ a little sweeping on the roof.
◱ Trimming branches from the tree next to the red shed.
◱ The red shed tree area.
◱ The ground around the tree has been mostly cleared.
◱ We extended the wood chips along the side of the red shed to just past the tree.
◱ The west wall of the red shed.
◱ The roof of the red shed now has the tin sheet in the correct place. It still needs to be hammered down.
◱ The picnic area fire pit digging has been completed and the fire pit installed.
◱ mud to put around the fire pit to hold the bricks in place.
◱ The completed fire pit.
◱ Many of the cedar branches along the side road have been moved.
◱ The cedar branches.
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