9 Aug 2012, Trees
Arborist at work. Enjoy!
Downing of the 1st (West) Tree video (0:22): link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XM8JcORSWoU YouTube
Downing of the 2nd (East) Tree video (1:01): link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQG5fd3YbGU YouTube
◱ Fir trees before removal.
◱ Tracy with his tools. Power pole.
◱ Tracy with his tools.
◱ Chuck and Tracy. Carport.
◱ EPUD preparing to drop the power line to the house. Power pole.
◱ The EPUD guy removed a few limbs to make sure the line would not get caught.
◱ EPUD guy still cutting limbs. Power pole.
◱ EPUD guy still cutting limbs.
◱ EPUD guy still cutting limbs.
◱ The power line to the house. Carport.
◱ The EPUD guy decided to remove a little bit of the cedar that the power line went through.
◱ EPUD guy still removing the cedar.
◱ Tracy climbing the first fir tree.
◱ Tracy removing limbs from the first fir tree.
◱ Tracy removing limbs from the first fir tree.
◱ Branches falling.
◱ Tracy removing limbs from the first fir tree.
◱ Tracy removing limbs from the first fir tree. Power pole.
◱ Tracy removing limbs from the first fir tree. Power pole.
◱ Tracy on the first fir tree.
◱ Tracy on the first fir tree.
◱ Tracy on the first fir tree.
◱ Tracy on the first fir tree.
◱ Tracy on the first fir tree.
◱ Tracy on the first fir tree.
◱ Tracy on the first fir tree.
◱ Tracy on the first fir tree.
◱ Tracy on the first fir tree.
◱ Chuck working.
◱ Tracy on the first fir tree.
◱ The EPUD guy finishing up the cedar tree.
◱ The EPUD guy finishing up the cedar tree.
◱ Preparing to drop the first fir tree.
◱ Chuck is pulling the rope tight.
◱ The rope is anchored to Goliath the backhoe.
◱ Tracy cutting the first fir tree.
◱ Chuck watching as Tracy cleans the top of the first fir tree to prepare it to become a tree house.
◱ Tracy cleaning the branch.
◱ Tracy removing limbs from the second fir tree.
◱ Tracy removing limbs from the second fir tree.
◱ Tracy removing limbs from the second fir tree.
◱ Tracy removing limbs from the second fir tree.
◱ Goliath the backhoe has been moved to a new anchor location.
◱ Tracy preparing the second fir tree to fall. Power pole.
◱ Tracy preparing the second fir tree to fall.
◱ The second fir tree. Carport.
◱ Chuck pulling the rope on the second fir tree.
◱ The second fir tree.
◱ Tracy cleaning the top of the second fir tree stump.
◱ Tracy cleaning the top of the second fir tree stump.
◱ Tracy chopping the tree the old fashion way.
◱ Tracy chopping the tree the old fashion way.
◱ Second fir tree. Carport.
◱ Tracy and the ash tree.
◱ Tracy removing limbs from the ash tree.
◱ Tracy removing limbs from the ash tree.
◱ Tracy removing limbs from the ash tree.
◱ Tracy removing limbs from the ash tree.
◱ The horseshoe.
◱ Goliath the backhoe and one of the piles.
◱ The horseshoe.
◱ The horseshoe.
◱ Cedar chairs that Tracy made.
◱ Chuck driving past the cedar tree location.
◱ The cedar tree location. Notice the down power lines across the road. Power pole.
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