
Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are you crazy?
  • Do you have a floorplan for the Cottage?
    Original Version   Contractor Version (for Addition)
  • Do you have a floorplan for the proposed Barn?
    Yes, Here.
  • Do you have a SiteMap for the Rosewold.com website?
    Yes, Here.
  • What is the history of Rosewold?
    History (PDF)
  • What is the purpose of Rosewold? (2012-05-29)
    It is intended as a great place for Lois and Don to retire. For success, it must be a grandchild magnet. It must also have nice gardens.
  • Where does the name Rosewold come from?
    Lois Googled "great garden names." She found an article that mentioned Rosecliff and Blythewold. She combined the names.
  • Rose I understand. What does Wold mean?
    It means open country, elevated, possibly hilly or rolling. It is appropriate because the property is hilly and rolling, and elevated.
  • How do you pronounce Rosewold?
    We usually pronounce it "Rose Walled" but mostly that's because we are lazy. The correct pronunciation rhymes with bold, fold, gold, hold, rolled, and told.
  • Where is Rosewold? Address? Coordinates? (2012-07-03)
    The address is 34335 Highway 58, Eugene, Oregon 97405.
    Here is a KMZ file that will show you an outline of Rosewold on Google Earth.
  • Are there Driving Directions?
    Yes, Here.
  • When are you moving there? (2012-07-03)
    We have spent the night there a few times already. We plan to vacation here each summer and work on getting the place into shape. We plan to move there after we retire from BYUH and sell our house in Laie. That would give us the financial muscle to build something at Rosewold. Retirement would be sometime in the 2016 to 2018 timeframe, probably.
  • How about adding a Splash Pad? (2012-05-27)
    Maybe. Looks like fun.
  • What will the Train Shop be like once it's built? (2012-05-27)
    So, it's not a store where you buy things. It's more of a wood shop or metal shop where you work on things. I envision a garage-like structure, 20 by 20, with train tracks running in on one side of it where the train is parked when not in use. The floor would be concrete. Around the sides of the space would be tools for working with wood or metal. The train tracks will be 7.5 inch gauge just like Train Mountain. (Google it.)
  • Do you rent out Rosewold for parties?
    LOL. Not currently. Maybe after we finish building it.
  • Will there be a landing strip for private aircraft? (2012-05-29)
    LOL. You might be able to bring in a helicopter on the sports field.
  • How about a 1/4 mile or 1/2 mile drag racing strip? (2012-05-29)
    LOL. I think those are supposed to be straight, and we can't really fit one. You might consider Highway 58. It is long and straight and close to our property. Speed limit is 55 MPH, and when you pull out of our driveway your initial speed is zero.
  • What typeface did you use to create the word Rosewold? It looks really pretty.
    The typeface is called Cancellaresca Script. And yes, it is very pretty. Lois picked it out.
  • Don't see your answer? Send us an email and we will respond.

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