Rosewold is not a commercial venture. Now that we have retired, it is the place that we live. It is intended to be a magnet for our children and grand children. It is a place to have a family reunion. It is a place to invite our friends for a party. It is a place to enjoy our hobbies. It is a place to grow a garden. It is a place to enjoy life.
Naming a piece of property is sort of pretentious, in a light-hearted way. It feels a bit "Jane Austen" which is kind of fun.
Lois was looking for a name we could bestow upon the property. She saw rose-something on a website, and she saw something-wold at the same time. It just sort of clicked.
Don has long thought it would be fun to have a small railroad. We are talking something big enough to ride on, but not Disneyland scale. We found what we were looking for at Train Mountain (in Oregon). The tracks are 7.5 inches apart. People sit single-file on the train. Engines are normally electric or gasoline. Maybe Don is crazy. We will probably find out when he tries to build it.