2016-09-11 Week of Pictures - Plumbing and Goldie Clearing

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Don and Isaac on Lois's balcony.
#1  Don and Isaac on Lois's balcony.
Ready to connect the water supply to our nine new hydrants.
#2  Ready to connect the water supply to our nine new hydrants.
Lois starts driving Goldie. Brave girls, both.
#3  Lois starts driving Goldie. Brave girls, both.
How to tackle a mess of weeds.
#4  How to tackle a mess of weeds.
It was a knock-down drag-out fight.
#5  It was a knock-down drag-out fight.
Joseph and Don connecting PVC water pipe.
#6  Joseph and Don connecting PVC water pipe.
Joseph and Don connecting PVC water pipe.
#7  Joseph and Don connecting PVC water pipe.
Joseph and Don connecting PVC water pipe.
#8  Joseph and Don connecting PVC water pipe.
Joseph and Don connecting PVC water pipe.
#9  Joseph and Don connecting PVC water pipe.
The final piece, ready to go into the ground
#10  The final piece, ready to go into the ground
Final plans for the garage and greenhouse.
#11  Final plans for the garage and greenhouse.
Isaac does the honors of running hydrant number two for the first time.
#12  Isaac does the honors of running hydrant number two for the first time.
Lois demonstrates the water pressure we are still able to get hundreds of feet from the well.
#13  Lois demonstrates the water pressure we are still able to get hundreds of feet from the well.
Rosewold Water Park.  Hydrant number three is dedicated to the kids play structure.
#14  Rosewold Water Park. Hydrant number three is dedicated to the kids play structure.
Neighbor cat comes exploring.
#15  Neighbor cat comes exploring.
Neighbor cat comes exploring.
#16  Neighbor cat comes exploring.
Wire delivery.
#17  Wire delivery.
Don tries to put the spool of wire on a crow bar between two ladders. It did not work.
#18  Don tries to put the spool of wire on a crow bar between two ladders. It did not work.
Lois and her bulbs. Happy girl.
#19  Lois and her bulbs. Happy girl.
Missionaries came for dinner.
#20  Missionaries came for dinner.
Putting potting soil into a bucket, then putting it into the raised bed garden we call the Waffle.
#21  Putting potting soil into a bucket, then putting it into the raised bed garden we call the Waffle.
View of the raised bed garden we call the Waffle.
#22  View of the raised bed garden we call the Waffle.

View of the raised bed garden we call the Waffle.
#24  View of the raised bed garden we call the Waffle.

View of the raised bed garden we call the Waffle.
#26  View of the raised bed garden we call the Waffle.
Kili, king of the hill.
#27  Kili, king of the hill.
Kili, king of the hill. View of the raised bed garden we call the Waffle.
#28  Kili, king of the hill. View of the raised bed garden we call the Waffle.

View of the raised bed garden we call the Waffle. Joseph supervises Shannon who is taking her first drive on Goldie.
#30  View of the raised bed garden we call the Waffle. Joseph supervises Shannon who is taking her first drive on Goldie.
View of the raised bed garden we call the Waffle. Joseph supervises Shannon who is taking her first drive on Goldie.
#31  View of the raised bed garden we call the Waffle. Joseph supervises Shannon who is taking her first drive on Goldie.
Kekoa cleans the play kitchen. He has a hose and he knows how to use it.
#32  Kekoa cleans the play kitchen. He has a hose and he knows how to use it.
Rosewold Water Park. A veritable octopus of hoses. Oh, and notice the electric box. Hydrant post number three at the play structure.
#33  Rosewold Water Park. A veritable octopus of hoses. Oh, and notice the electric box. Hydrant post number three at the play structure.
Electric box on hydrant post number one at the fire pit.
#34  Electric box on hydrant post number one at the fire pit.
Kekoa cleans the play kitchen.
#35  Kekoa cleans the play kitchen.
Kekoa cleans the play kitchen. Ninja stance.
#36  Kekoa cleans the play kitchen. Ninja stance.
Kekoa cleans the play kitchen. Spray setting experiment number 973.
#37  Kekoa cleans the play kitchen. Spray setting experiment number 973.
Future roadway?
#38  Future roadway?
Making things smooth and level.
#39  Making things smooth and level.
Kicking up a cloud of dust.
#40  Kicking up a cloud of dust.
Looks like fun.
#41  Looks like fun.
Dust, dust, and more dust.
#42  Dust, dust, and more dust.
Isaac runs a "day care" center for his nephews.
#43  Isaac runs a "day care" center for his nephews.
View of the raised bed garden area that we call the Waffle.
#44  View of the raised bed garden area that we call the Waffle.


Don cuts PVC conduit for the electrical boxes on the hydrant posts.
#47  Don cuts PVC conduit for the electrical boxes on the hydrant posts.
A spool of 1000 feet of 6/2 UF-B direct bury copper wire, the kind normally used to connect street lights.
#48  A spool of 1000 feet of 6/2 UF-B direct bury copper wire, the kind normally used to connect street lights.
Don working in his container. Picture taken from Lois's balcony.
#49  Don working in his container. Picture taken from Lois's balcony.

Joseph with his "dust mustache."
#51  Joseph with his "dust mustache."
Joseph with dust on the yoke of his shirt from his antics on Goldie.
#52  Joseph with dust on the yoke of his shirt from his antics on Goldie.

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