May 29 - Jun 04 Week

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The last time Lois was able to get into her mother's wedding dress, she was 13. Here is Latia in the same dress, and yes, she is also 13. Doris weighed 105 when she got married, and was 5'7". Latia looks wonderful in it.
#1  The last time Lois was able to get into her mother's wedding dress, she was 13. Here is Latia in the same dress, and yes, she is also 13. Doris weighed 105 when she got married, and was 5'7". Latia looks wonderful in it.



Adele was asked if she knew who wrote on a Rosewold dressup hat. "No." It made me laugh as I remember wallpaper in Massachusetts that had "Joseph" written exactly the way he wrote it on the wallpaper. Always wished I'd taken a picture of that, since he had no idea how anything got on the wallpaper then. :-)
#5  Adele was asked if she knew who wrote on a Rosewold dressup hat. "No." It made me laugh as I remember wallpaper in Massachusetts that had "Joseph" written exactly the way he wrote it on the wallpaper. Always wished I'd taken a picture of that, since he had no idea how anything got on the wallpaper then. :-)
Proud girl with the "I didn't do anything" hat. :-)
#6  Proud girl with the "I didn't do anything" hat. :-)
Isaac cutting his birthday cake. Happy Birthday Isaac.
#7  Isaac cutting his birthday cake. Happy Birthday Isaac.
Lois worked parts of two days trying to get sprinklers on the new trees since a heat wave in the 90's was coming.
#8  Lois worked parts of two days trying to get sprinklers on the new trees since a heat wave in the 90's was coming.
Lois woke up one morning and decided we should try and repair the garden tub since it leaked and had become unusable.
#9  Lois woke up one morning and decided we should try and repair the garden tub since it leaked and had become unusable.
We couldn't figure out how to access the area under the faucets. Lois looked under the house, and then we decided to lift the tub up.
#10  We couldn't figure out how to access the area under the faucets. Lois looked under the house, and then we decided to lift the tub up.
Sure have tools and stuff all over.
#11  Sure have tools and stuff all over.
Lois got the cover off the tub overflow. Nothing was behind it, but notice that there is wallpaper on the wall. This is important to decorate the walls under the tub. :-)
#12  Lois got the cover off the tub overflow. Nothing was behind it, but notice that there is wallpaper on the wall. This is important to decorate the walls under the tub. :-)
Garden tub open for repair.
#13  Garden tub open for repair.
After we got the tub up, we noticed a square hole that you can see out the side of the house. :-) Hum.... I think that might have been easier, but perhaps we would have to have lifted the tub anyway.
#14  After we got the tub up, we noticed a square hole that you can see out the side of the house. :-) Hum.... I think that might have been easier, but perhaps we would have to have lifted the tub anyway.
Look at the holes. No wonder it leaked.
#15  Look at the holes. No wonder it leaked.
We put a timer and cable lights along the east fence.
#16  We put a timer and cable lights along the east fence.
Cable lights along the east fence.
#17  Cable lights along the east fence.
Watering timer along the east fence.
#18  Watering timer along the east fence.
Swing set frame provided by Daniel and Ann, ready for the attachment of the swing.
#19  Swing set frame provided by Daniel and Ann, ready for the attachment of the swing.
Don decided to buy twelve-Inch Nail for securing tents and shelters to the ground since we were short of tent pegs.
#20  Don decided to buy twelve-Inch Nail for securing tents and shelters to the ground since we were short of tent pegs.
The nail fits nicely through the hole.
#21  The nail fits nicely through the hole.
What does "22" mean? Not cm because 12 inches is more like 30 cm.
#22  What does "22" mean? Not cm because 12 inches is more like 30 cm.
We put up two tents in the South orchard. Then we put a 20'x30' tarp over the top of them.
#23  We put up two tents in the South orchard. Then we put a 20'x30' tarp over the top of them.
South orchard tents. The big tarp ripped off within a couple of hours.
#24  South orchard tents. The big tarp ripped off within a couple of hours.
Ben's WW2 tent was added when he got to Rosewold at 3:18am on Sunday after driving.
#25  Ben's WW2 tent was added when he got to Rosewold at 3:18am on Sunday after driving.
The orange tent, ready for Larissa and Stacia's group to use if they wish.
#26  The orange tent, ready for Larissa and Stacia's group to use if they wish.
We bought another 60 solar lights and placed them around. Tent stake (12-inch nail) in the corner of the orange tent.
#27  We bought another 60 solar lights and placed them around. Tent stake (12-inch nail) in the corner of the orange tent.
Memory foam mattress in the orange tent.
#28  Memory foam mattress in the orange tent.
Shelter between  the two containers.
#29  Shelter between the two containers.
Swing on the old pirate ship tree.
#30  Swing on the old pirate ship tree.

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30 items. This page was last updated 2016-06-05 19:26:48 MDT.